Adaptive Tax Strategy

The Syncus DAO is designed with the long-term sustainability and longevity of its ecosystem. To achieve this, we have implemented a flexible taxation system on sell and unstaking transactions, which is responsive to market conditions.

This approach ensures that Syncus can adapt to market volatility, maintaining its stability and growth over time.

Adaptive Taxation Strategy

The Syncus protocol dynamically adjusts sell and unstaking taxes based on market volatility.

During periods of significant price increase:

We may temporarily increase taxes on sell and unstaking transactions. This is designed to mitigate speculative trading and ensure the protocol's stability.

During periods of market stability:

Taxes are re-evaluated and will be reduced accordingly. This adjustment is also influenced by the current staking APY, ensuring that our taxation policy remains fair and proportional to the benefits received by stakers.

Transition to full decentralisation

At a later stage, the formation of the DAO will take place. Once the DAO concludes that Syncus is prepared to operate in a fully decentralised manner, the protocol's ownership will be renounced.

Rabby wallet

To provide transparency around taxation costs, we recommend using the Rabby wallet extension.

Rabby wallet uniquely simulates each transaction before confirmation, clearly displaying the exact amount to be taxed. This feature allows users to make informed decisions before they decide to unstake and/or sell.

Encouraging long-term holding and staking

Syncus distinguishes itself by encouraging the holding and staking of its tokens, rather than frequent trading.

Supporting our members who are aligned with our long-term objectives is our utmost priority, rather than those driven by short-term speculation.

This ensures that our holders, who see the value in long-term participation, are rewarded for their commitment.

In the Syncus ecosystem, unstakers and sellers are the least aligned with our vision for long-term growth and stability.

They represent the antithesis of our core principles, as their actions stall the protocol's growth and deter us from achieving our collective goals.

Last updated